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Life in the Woods Refined / LITW Refined Modpack
MIT LicenseModpack repository for LITW Refined wich hold default configs and a script to create server & client packages.
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Life in the Woods Refined / Update config
MIT LicenseHolds the Modpack Updater configs for LITW Refined.
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All my custom made or modified icons that I use for my programs. The most icons based on icons from Icons8.
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Pilzinsel64 / Test.Pilz.Net.Api
MIT LicenseUpdated -
SM64 Rom Manager / Sample Plugin
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Install and Update Minecraft Modpacks easliy.
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OwnChar / OwnChar Server
MIT LicenseOwnChar Server provides a Server backend for the OwnChar library.
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OwnChar / OwnChar Plugins
MIT LicenseA basic plugin interface for the OwnChar Desktop app and Server app to be able to build custom data providers or data managers.
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Life in the Woods Refined / Modpack files
MIT LicenseHolds all the modpack files like configs, scripts and resources.
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Brand new all-in-one-tool for SM64 Hacking. Includes Level Importer, Level Editor, Music Manager, Text Manager and many more.
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Pilz Framework / Pilz.Tools
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Pilz Framework / Pilz.Dalamud
MIT LicenseA set of usefull functions you can use within your Dalamud plugin.
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OwnChar / OwnChar Desktop App
MIT LicenseOwnChar Desktop is a Desktop app for managing own characters using the OwnChar library.